UV-C Light Disinfection

UV-C Light Disinfection

UV-C light is the breakthrough against coronaviruses !

It is becoming increasingly clear that UV-C technology will play a crucial part in the fight against Covid-19. Previously proven successful in industrial and medical environments, ultraviolet light can now play a role in other sectors worldwide. 

A study from Boston University has shown that UV-C, especially the 254 nm wavelength, is the best non-toxic technology to kill viruses, bacteria and fungi. UV-C light damages the RNA / DNA of viruses to avoid further mutations and prevent them from entering the human body.

Klenzz Kleaning Solutions have developed the Lightpole a UV-C Air/Surface Sterilizer  for use in the home or work environment . Its goal is to prevent the spread of and damage done by airborne/surface pathogens. This way, the UV-C Sterilizer can create a healthy environment for you to work rest or play.

The Lightpole UV-C Air/Surface Sterilizer is suitable for schools, offices, hospitals, doctor’s offices, retirement homes, hotel rooms, restaurants and your home. In short, any indoor space where people come together can benefit from a sterilizer!